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Allyship: Train & Connect with
Like-Minded Women


This cohort is a transformational experience for women who want to be better allies to other women, while journeying and forming deeper community. 


What we cover: 

  • Understand work/life challenges that women navigate in their mid-life phase and how it impacts them - their emotions, relationships, and sense of self. Learn frameworks and apply them in personal/group context. 

  • Understand the types of support women need when they navigate workplace challenges - practical, emotional and expert. Learn frameworks and apply them in personal/group context. 

  • Learn and practice safe listening skills for women in challenging moments. What is a safe listener? How do you find one and be one? 

  • Learn triaging skills. Challenging workplace situations vary in intensity. Learn case studies of women who have navigated different archetypes of challenges. Learn the internal and external signals that allow you to accurately triage a situation for yourself, and for others.   

  • Gain resources and tools that you can use to support women better or refer them to others you have hit the limit of what you know how to do. 


Who benefits from this? 

  • Service professionals who support professional women clients: Coaches, therapists, lawyers 

  • Organizations that serve women: non-profits, employee resource groups, educational institutions, churches, religious organizations, therapist associations  

  • Individuals: Leaders who want to support women in their organizations, mentors

  • If you wish to be an ally offering Office Hours to professional woman through Inherent, this is a compulsory module. 


What formats do you offer this in?

  • Open enrollment workshops (4 weeks, 90 minutes per week) -- starting in October 2024. 

  • Bring us in to train a group of mentors and leaders who can serve as allies to women in your organization. 


Register interest

if you'd like to engage on this topic, please register your interest - we'll keep you posted.

Elodie H, 38

Head of Fin/Ops

“My experience in training as an ally uplifted me and altered my perspective in meaningful ways. It provided an acceleration of my professional growth through pattern recognition and learning from other women.”

Kera M, 49

Head of Leadership Programs

"As I support women in my day-to-day work, being able to lean into this group of allies has been super helpful. I now have a trustworthy group of women to count on when navigating my own challenges, and when helping others navigate their challenges. Can we keep this group alive forever?" 

Veronica L, 42 


“Healing and validating - helping me process what I’ve been through while helping others.”

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